Monday 4 November 2019

Hollywank - Things The Movies Get Wrong

Some things in the movies just plain and simply piss me off because they are so wrong and just don't happen in real life.  Here are my (least?) favourite Hollywood cock-ups and second (least?) favourite in three categories: Health/Human Body, Guns/Weapons and Vehicles/Cars:




OK, so we've all hurt ourselves at some point.  We've stubbed a toe and then hopped around for 3 minutes on one foot until the pain eases; we've hit an elbow and not been able to use a hand properly until the funny bone stops being funny; we've injured a leg and not been able to stand putting any weight on it... How, then, is it seemingly possible to get shot a couple of times, stabbed and beaten half to death in a movie only to be left with a slight limp, but otherwise unailed.  Or the bar brawl the night before that results in a scabbed cut on the cheek and a slightly fat lip and some purple shading around the eye... Pain in movies seems to not exist, or to only exist for a short amount of time before abating. And the rate of healing of the human body is astounding.


So our hero gets shot and is effectively incapacitated, life draining away, and everyone is frantically trying to find a doctor or a hospital.  In the absence of a medical professional, quite often an ordinary non-medical-doctorate-holder will step forwards and perform the life-saving task of digging around and removing the bullet.  Bullet removed, our hero gets better and better and soon he's up and running again.
In non-movie situations, if you dig around looking for a bullet then you are going to cause untold amounts of damage to the person, hastening their downfall.  Should you find and then remove the bullet, if your patient was only just clinging to life then he or she will be stone-cold dead now as you've just removed the one thing stopping any further major internal bleeding.  Well done.  In real life bullets are left where they are, unless they pose a threat (eg likely to rupture an artery).
"Oh it's ok, the bullet passed right through you".
Wow, that was lucky.
Well, no it wasn't.  You see, gunshot wounds that go right through have an entry wound and an exit wound.  As the bullet passes through, it compresses the flesh in front of it which results in an exit wound that typically is many many times the size of the diameter of the bullet.



For some inexplicable reason (I can only assume it's product placement), the Bad Guys are nearly always in SUVs.  And these SUVs are fast. They are so fast they can catch and ram things like a Lamborghini Huracan (ok, I may be stretching it here...) or a Lotus Exige.  Not only do they go super fast, but these SUVs also corner like they're on rails.  They'll handle better than our hero's Mini Cooper S, which will struggle round bends whilst the top-heavy 2-tonne SUV glides graciously and effortlessly from corner to corner.


If you look at a car the wrong way in a movie it will shed it's doors, bonnet and boot lid in a violent fiery explosion.  Shoot a car more than 3 times and it blows up.  Drop a car from a height of more than 3 metres and it will explode.  Crash a car at over 65mph and it will detonate.  We've all seen it.
In actual fact, unless the fuel tank or fuel line is compromised, it's very hard to get anything even remotely like an explosion from a car.  If you're very, very lucky it'll catch fire with a "whuuuf", that's about it.



Bad guy pulls out handgun.  Bad guy proceeds to fire 45 rounds one after the other.  Our hero pulls out an AK-47 and fires 350 rounds at the bad guys.  All magically without having to reload.


Bad guy gets shot, flies backwards out of restaurant window.  Only problem with that is Newton's laws of thermodynamics:- for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction.  For the bullet to have enough energy to knock the bad guy off his feet and through the window, it would have had to exert the same force on our hero's gun and arm - meaning he should also have flown backwards by the same amount (assuming they weighed the same, and discounting air resistance).

There.  That's a few of the things that Hollywood lies to you about!

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